sunda international-ag尊龙凯时

专注 专业 成就完美人居生活reliable flushing valve made 30 years 可靠的冲洗水件有30年历史,使用寿命长久to give you a brand new experience of easy maintainance.釉面光洁细腻、持久如新toilet went through 1260°firing product line,0.5% water absor

专注 专业 成就完美人居生活


reliable flushing valve made 30 years 可靠的冲洗水件有30年历史



to give you a brand new experience of easy maintainance.釉面光洁细腻、持久如新


toilet went through 1260°firing product line,0.5% water absorption rate.1260度高温烧制,质地细密,吸水率低于0.5%,耐腐蚀


advanced piping design and ultra strong flush ability.管道设计先进,超强冲洗能力


designed according to ergonomic standard,and can better meet your comfort need.外观设计符合人体工程学原理,带给你最舒适的享受


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